Retinalamin improves the metabolism of eye tissues and normalizes the functions of cell membranes. Retinalamin is used to treat the following conditions:- compensated primary open-angle glaucoma
- diabetic retinopathy
- central retinal dystrophy of inflammatory and traumatic origin
- central retinal dystrophy
- myopic disease (as part of complex therapy)
- central and peripheral tapetoretinal abiotrophy
- rhegmatogenous and traumatic retinal detachment (rehabilitation postoperative period as part of complex therapy)
Pharmachologic effect:
Retinalamin® improves the metabolism of eye tissues and normalizes the functions of cell membranes, improves intracellular protein synthesis, regulates the processes of lipid peroxidation, and helps to optimize energy processes.
Retinalamin® has a stimulating effect on photoreceptors and cellular elements of the retina, improves the functional interaction of the pigment epithelium and the outer segments of photoreceptors, glial cells in dystrophic changes, accelerates the restoration of light sensitivity of the retina. It normalizes vascular permeability, reduces the manifestations of a local inflammatory reaction, stimulates reparative processes in diseases and injuries of the retina.
compensated primary open-angle glaucoma;
diabetic retinopathy;
central retinal dystrophy, including inflammatory and traumatic genesis;
myopic disease (as part of complex therapy);
central and peripheral tapetoretinal abiotrophy;
rhegmatogenous and traumatic retinal detachment (rehabilitation postoperative period as part of complex therapy).
hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
age up to 18 years in compensated primary open-angle glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, myopic disease, rhegmatogenous and traumatic retinal detachment (due to lack of data on efficacy and safety);
age up to 1 year in central retinal dystrophy of inflammatory and traumatic genesis, central and peripheral tapetoretinal abiotrophy.
Pregnancy and breast-feeding:
The drug is contraindicated in pregnancy and breastfeeding (no data on efficacy and safety).
Side effects:
Very rarely :
anaphylactic shock, headache, eyelid itching, periorbital edema, periorbital pain, conjunctival injection, angioedema,injection site pain, injection site edema, injection site erythema, facial edema.
Dosing and Administration:
Adults with diabetic retinopathy, central retinal dystrophy of inflammatory and traumatic origin, central and peripheral tapetoretinal abiotrophy - parabulbar injection or intramuscularly, 5-10 mg 1 time / day. The course of treatment is 5-10 days; if necessary, repeat after 3-6 months.
In compensated primary open-angle glaucoma - parabulbar injection or intramuscularly 5 mg 1 time / day.
In the rehabilitation postoperative period of rhegmatogenous and traumatic retinal detachment - parabulbar injection 5 mg 1 time / day. The course of treatment is 10 days.
In myopic disease - parabulbar injection 5 mg 1 time / day. The course of treatment is 10 days.
It is recommended in combination with angioprotective agents and B vitamins.
The drug is dissolved in 1-2 ml of water for injection, 0.9% sodium chloride solution or 0.5% solution of procaine (novocaine), directing the needle to the vial wall to avoid foaming.
Children aged 1-5 years with central retinal dystrophy of inflammatory and traumatic origin, central and peripheral tapetoretinal abiotrophy - parabulbar injection or intramuscularly, 2.5 mg 1 time / day.
Children aged 6-18 years with central retinal dystrophy of inflammatory and traumatic origin, central and peripheral tapetoretinal abiotrophy parabulbar injection or intramuscularly, 2.5-5 mg 1 time / day.
The drug is dissolved in 1-2 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution, directing the needle to the vial wall to avoid foaming.
The course of treatment - 10 days; if necessary, repeat after 3-6 months.
Special instructions:
Retinalamin® should only be used as directed by a physician.
When using a 0.5% solution of procaine (novocaine) as a solvent for the Retinalamin®, you should follow the information on contraindications, precautions and age restrictions set out in the instructions for use of procaine (novocaine).
The vial with the dissolved drug should not be stored and used after storage.
The solution of the Retinalamin® is not recommended to be mixed with other solutions.
In case of missing an injection, it is not recommended to administer a double dose, but to carry out the next injection as usual on the scheduled day.
The temperature is not above 25 °C (77 °F)
in Cyrillic : Ретиналамин
Retinal polypeptides
5mg x 10 vials (lyophilisate for injection)