

Polyoxidonium® (Azoximer bromide) is a powerful immunomodulator, increasing the body's resistance to infections. Polyoxidonium restores immune responses in severe forms of immunodeficiency, incl. with secondary immunodeficiency conditions caused by infections (tuberculosis, etc.), malignant neoplasms, therapy with steroid hormones or cytostatics, complications of surgical operations, injuries and burns. With sublingual application, Polyoxidonium activates lymphoid cells located in the bronchi, nasal cavity, Eustachian tubes, thereby increasing the resistance of these organs to infectious agents. When administered orally, Azoximer bromide activates lymphoid cells located in the intestine and producing secretory IgA. The consequence of this is an increase in the resistance of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract to infectious agents. In addition, when administered orally, Polyoxidonium activates tissue macrophages, which contributes to faster elimination of the pathogen from the body in the presence of an infection focus.

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in Cyrillic : Полиоксидоний
Azoximer bromide

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12mg x 10 tablets $24.00

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